I thought I will be going alone, but I was lucky enough to pull out my friend Karey form her other plans for the weekend. We decided to push it through. We were like two lost kitties not knowing where star city is located and the only information given us was from another friend who visited a few weeks ago.
All right, we took off early, too excited to do the
We then decided to go back to MOA and kill-time. We float. Just hang around walking and grab few to eat.
Finally, the time passed by and we were able to go back to our main plan. Damn! The ticket line was exploding with crowded people. Good-thing we bump into another friend who settle the ticket for us.
Karey and I first give it a run to the shopping. It’s a weird thing to do first after our long plan trip. Then the rides…. I can’t describe how nerve wrecking it was. I almost lost my internal organs with fear and ear-breaking screams.
My leg couldn’t almost carry me home when its time to go. Anyhow, I got my answer to my curiosity and an experience of a lifetime! It was worth the risk.